Amy and Brian McCreath

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Scotland: Inventor of Everything Important?
posted by Brian on January 16, 2002 at 06:38 PM

Here’s a fun story. Go to the NPR web site and go the archives. Find All Things Considered for January 14, 2002. You’ll find a story about how the Scots are responsible for the modern world. I guess that goes right along with the headline Amy and I saw a few years ago in Edinburgh announcing research supporting the theory that Noah (yes, THAT Noah, of Ark fame) was Scottish…

In other news, Rafiki has dodged a bullet, at least for now. We thought, as of a couple of days ago, that she had re-injured the leg she had surgery on about 5 years ago. So she got x-rays today. The doctor discovered that the surgically repaired knee is actually just fine, but the other is quite loose. Rafiki, meanwhile, did everything in her power to show the doctor that she’s just fine, and he really doesn’t need to be going and poking around her hips and legs. The doctor wasn’t entirely convinced but decided that surgery isn’t called for right now. He did recommend a nutritional supplement called Glucosamine. Apparently, both humans and dogs have had great success using this to alleviate problems with joints, cartilage, arthritis, etc. Have any of you heard of this stuff?

I’m off to NYC tomorrow for a conference.



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We've used a glucosamine/chondroitin combo on Auggie for the last two years. The trip up the Al-Can in the back of the truck combined with the general cold weather had made his joints pretty stiff. He was starting to have trouble walking up and down the stairs, so we gave this a shot. The results weren't immediate, but they were dramatic. He's only now starting to show joint stiffness even close to the earlier level. We get a powder version made by Schiff and put a little (maybe a teaspoon) on his food in the morning. It's kind of salty, so he just gobbles it down.

I personally take 1500 mg of glucosamine and 1200 mg of chondroitin every day for my hands (yeah, they're arthitic), plus 50 - 200 mg of B6 to keep the carpal tunnels at bay. I notice a difference within a day or two if I drop the g/c dosage or skip it.

It's been a big boon for our house.

Posted by D2 | January 16, 2002 06:55 PM

I know it sounds a bit over the top. However, there is clear evidence that the golden age of invention in Scotland did, in fact, give the world important advancements. The book mentioned in that NPR segment is sort of volume two, following the one on How the Irish Save Civilization (also a good book). I listened to the Irish book on CD while driving back from Santa Fe last year. I then bought it, and if you would like to read it, I will loan it to you.

Posted by David | January 18, 2002 08:37 PM

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