Amy and Brian McCreath

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posted by Brian on July 20, 2002 at 11:15 AM

A lot has happened since our last posting here. There is baby news, vacation news, and house news. I know, I know… it’s almost too much to bear. But just make sure you’re sitting down, and you’ll be able to handle it.

Amy and I (along with Rafiki) took a bit of a vacation last month to visit folks from both of our families. We set out from Boston going southwest (which is almost all you can do from Boston, unless you want to end up in sparsely populated forest, or a place where you have to speak French, or both) through New England and across Pennsylvania. Eventually we found ourselves in southern Indiana, pulling up to the Lowrey’s house in Huntingburg. We just caught the Ebelings before they had to leave for Dayton the next morning, along with Bob, who was off to camp. But at least we got to check out Marty’s Jag…

The next few days were quite relaxing, spending time with Leisa, Jon, and Thomas. We didn’t actually do too much, which was just what we had been looking forward to. There were a couple of highlights. We took a trip to the Evansville Zoo with Thomas, where we all fed the giraffes. And Jon took me up in his aerobatic bi-plane. It’s a classic open cockpit two seater, and Jon took me through a few moves (rolls and loops) before teaching me how to roll the plane myself.

We left Huntingburg after a few days and went to Indianapolis, where Amy went to a conference of Generation X clergy and church lay people. Rafiki and I headed to Louisville in the meantime, where we stayed while Mom and Dad were at General Assembly. Eventually, Amy, Mom and Dad all returned to Louisville, so we were all there together for a few days. We checked out the latest downtown developments, including Slugger Field, where the Bats won the game we saw.

Once we got back to Boston, work started on our new bathroom. (Just a review: our bathroom is smaller than most walk-in closets, so we decided last spring to enlarge and renovate it.) The remodelling company came in and made pretty short work of the old bathroom. In no time, it (bathtub, sink, wall, floor, tile, everything) was all basically out in our driveway waiting to be hauled away. Pretty soon, there was a frame for the new wall (which is extending a bit into a bedroom), which confirmed that this was a wise decision. The extra room in the bathroom, while not much, makes the place feel far larger than it was, and the room lost in the bedroom doesn’t feel like too much of a sacrifice. So what are we doing for a bathroom, you ask? Well, while there is no toilet, we are staying at a B & B in Jamaica Plain, a part of Boston south of here. We also got a summer membership at a health club, which helps out. We’re hoping the whole project will be done by the time Mom and Dad visit next month.

As for the baby news, well, all I can say is that things are going terrifically well. We had an ultrasound a few days ago, which confirmed that they’re both progressing at perfectly normal rates. All of the relevant measurements that screen for birth defects indicate that there are no problems. We don’t know the gender(s) yet, and we’ll continue to try to wait to be surprised. In the meantime, Amy is beginning to outgrow the maternity clothes we bought. She’s feeling great, except for pretty frequent heartburn.

Of course, we’re still interested in hearing more name ideas. The ones posted so far are really great. As always, John’s suggestions are especially helpful:). The trial balloon I’ve floated lately with Amy is “Gilles” (“ZHEEL”). I’m not getting too far…


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Did you get to drive the Jag?

Posted by D2 | July 20, 2002 12:50 PM

Alas... no Jag drive for me... hmmm... maybe it had something to do with Jon teaching me to roll the plane....

Posted by BKM | July 20, 2002 01:50 PM

Marty has also watched you drive no doubt. Maybe after you are the father of twins, she'll get the notion that you have much to be responsible for and might not race around in her car!!!! Ha! Ha!

More names on the way.

Posted by Ruth | July 20, 2002 10:55 PM

Ruth said: "...might not race around in her car!!!"

And Brian might also flap his arms and fly to the moon.

Posted by D2 | July 30, 2002 02:17 PM

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