Amy and Brian McCreath

Entries from December 2002

December 9, 2002

Coming Home
posted by Brian at 09:30 PM | Permanent URL for this post

As you no doubt know by now, Amy and I welcomed our two children to the world last Thursday night, the 5th of December. I know it’s a real cliche, but it was truly one of the most amazing days of my life. Also one of the longest, but more on that later. The sight of Frances emerging into the world was miraculous, and it just as incredible when James came out. I’m also really happy that we didn’t give in to the temptation to find out their genders before they were born. The sight of a girl and a boy, when we didn’t know what was coming, was just tremendous. It made me think of all those times I’ve heard fathers say that seeing their children born was the most incredible day of their lives. I’ve always thought, “I’m sure it was, but, you know, children are born every day, so how incredible can it be?” Well, now I get it.

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December 7, 2002

Baby Pictures
posted by mccreath at 11:41 AM | Permanent URL for this post

Brian’s brother David, here. I’m posting this for Amy and Brian because they’re kind of busy right now.

If you would like to see pictures of Frances and James, you can use this link:

Newton-Wellesley Hospital

Once you get there, click on “Visit a loved one’s welcomesite” and enter the following:

mother’s last name: McCreath
secret word: pickle

There is also a guestbook that you can sign. The link is at the top of the page with babie’s pictures .

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Other family: David and Ruth | Kim, Heather, and Sarah | Brian and Amy | David II and Katie

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