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Just real quick ...

posted by David on January 20, 2003 at 01:23 PM

Sometimes it’s hard not to feel like the universe is conspiring against me. In a single day I found out that:

  • All of our local Taco Bells have stopped serving Dr. Pepper. This is like not serving mustard with hot dogs. Like not putting jelly on peanut butter. This is sacrilege.
  • Some car company (Dodge? I can’t remember … ) has tapped Celine Dion to sing warbley, overwrought, drippy, sacharine crap in faux black and white ads (highlighting the sincerity and touching-ness of said brand’s family sedans) during prime time, requiring rapid and judicious use of the mute button.

That is all.


One of the best things about flying Continental recently was there was NO question about getting DP!

The worst thing about Celine Dion's ads? They seem to be exploiting that child she worked so hard to have - just feels extra slimy to me. Guess that's why I'm not a pop diva, eh?

Comment posted by Heather | January 20, 2003 09:46 PM

This discussion has been closed. Thanks to all who participated.