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I forgot to make note of it on the day it happened this year, but I think it was last Thursday.
There’s one day every spring where the light situation suddenly up-ends itself and it no longer seems dark all the time. It has to do with when we walk the dogs in the morning, which is usually around 7:00. You trudge along through January and February, just about sick of walking to the park and back in the pitch black, then one day you’re walking to the park in the gray light of pre-dawn and miraculously the next day you’re walking in (comparative) broad daylight.
It’s weird, but what’s even weirder is that it (the light situation) doesn’t bother me in the least anymore.
you can wonder if the world is going a little off balance a bit? it's a mad world. if it bright in the morning does it get darkearly in the afternoon? light is good somethimes.
There is rarely light here that early in the morning no matter what time of year largely because we're in the western end of the eastern time zone. I prefer light in the a.m. to the p.m.
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