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I love these pictures. These are from a contact sheet that I found last night looking for something else. I don’t remember if we ever sent out copies of the actual portrait that resulted from this session, but these are much better.
(Yes, today is my birthday. 39, thanks. Just leave it on the stack over there.)
I mean this in the nicest way possible my friends but these pics look like two strangers showed up at the same time to get their portraits taken and ended up having a ball!
Such energy!!!! We got one posed picture from this session (in black and white) some time ago. May all your pictures be of such high quality and fun to boot!!!!
Happy Boifday (late)!
What was the photographer doing while THIS was going on? I think it's time for a new picture. Happy Birthday, David - and many more.
Hope you guys had a good trip. Love, Mom.
Happy Birthday
yall are jus purdy as a picture
i was just talking to margaret wittenberg about
yall just yesterday after she wrapped a tv interview.
i hear patty lang is moving back to austin.
miss ya
cheers from phoenix
103 degrees today
now off to vegas
oh yeah i may have to move to los angeles
shut up and eat yo big ass
locust tree special
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